Strong foundation in photography, fine art, and computer applications complemented by extensive experimentation in various media and international travel for photography projects


Combination of traditional and digital photography including alternative processes, hand painted photographs, one of a kind digital transfers, multimedia processes using photography



Bachelor of Science Administration of Criminal Justice




University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2 year Fine Art Curriculum University North Carolina at Chapel Hill    


Selected Studies with leading American artists including: Rudy Pozzatti,

Glen Bradshaw, Maxine Masterfield, Carole Barnes, Sharon Montgomery, Barbara Nechis, Carrie Brown, and Bernice Ficeck Swenson and John M. Swenson: Landmark Editions, The Penland School, Santa Fe Photography Workshops, Marcel Perez, Photographer and George DeWolfe Photographer


Full time Professional Artist



Extensive Participation with galleries, exhibitions, Juried Festivals



 Georgia O’Keeffe Museum of Art International Photography Competition               
  2nd place and 2 Honorable Mentions,                             2013                                  

2014 New Mexico Magazine Photography Competition
 First Place,                                                                         2014                                        
                                                  3RDInternational Biennial of Fine Art and Documentary Photography Exhibition    Heritage Museum  Malaga, Spain                                  

2014  WPGA 6th Pollux Awards, Malaga, Spain      2nd Place Award,                                                           2014                                             

6th Julia Margaret Cameron Award, Malaga, Spain     2014


Black and White International Magazine,
 Merit Award Portfolio Competition,                                2014

Exposure Award Book by SEE.ME     Publication and Award        2015

4th 2016 Artslant Prize showcase Winner                                   2016