Combination of traditional and digital photography including alternative processes, hand painted photographs, one of a kind digital transfers, multimedia processes using photography |
EDUCATIONBachelor of Science Administration of Criminal Justice |
1979 |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2 year Fine Art Curriculum University North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1975-1978 Selected Studies with leading American artists including: Rudy Pozzatti, Glen Bradshaw, Maxine Masterfield, Carole Barnes, Sharon Montgomery, Barbara Nechis, Carrie Brown, and Bernice Ficeck Swenson and John M. Swenson: Landmark Editions, The Penland School, Santa Fe Photography Workshops, Marcel Perez, Photographer and George DeWolfe Photographer |
Full time Professional Artist |
1986-Present |
Extensive Participation with galleries, exhibitions, Juried Festivals |
AWARDS Georgia O’Keeffe Museum of Art International Photography Competition 2014 New Mexico Magazine Photography Competition 2014 WPGA 6th Pollux Awards, Malaga, Spain 2nd Place Award, 2014 http://www.call4artists.com/6thPollux.html#list 6th Julia Margaret Cameron Award, Malaga, Spain 2014 Black and White International Magazine, Exposure Award Book by SEE.ME Publication and Award 2015 4th 2016 Artslant Prize showcase Winner 2016 |